"What Life Took From Me" is a Mexican telenovela produced by Angelli Nesma Medina for Televisa. It is a remake of Bodas de odio, produced by Ernesto Alonso in 1983. In 2003, "True ...
The story is about Beam, an ordinary sophomore university student. Even if he is weak to the world, after his father Rachen died mysteriously, he gets the dream of becoming a hero. His ...
Upon learning their employer is transferring an unmarried person to Alaska, coworkers Rika and Takuya decide to tie the knot in order to dodge a bullet.
Dr. George Coleman is a top veterinarian with an impressive list of famous animal patients at the Crane Animal Hospital—a bustling New York City veterinary practice where it often seems ...
Medic is an American medical drama that aired on NBC beginning in 1954. Medic was television's first doctor drama to focus attention on medical procedures.
Created by its principal ...