Anime series based on the book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The series showed the extended adventures of the Little Prince, Swifty The Space Bird, and the Rose Girl.
He Huan has had to deal with a lot of things such as her husband fleeing and leaving her with huge debts, setbacks in her career, and her mother falling seriously ill. Through the ...
The story is about Mariana, who opened a cup cake shop in memory of her dead sister. Because of the cup cake, Mariana found true love and the true meaning of life.
As the world is in the middle of an industrial revolution, a monster appears that cannot be defeated unless its heart, which is protected by a layer of iron, is pierced. By infecting ...
Scottish comedian Limmy jumps from sketch to observation to nonsense. He'll take you down to the Clydeside for a tour of Glasgow, and get into an argument with himself. He'll play you ...
Setsuna, a High School student, not only has to deal with bullies and more then appropiate feelings for his own sister, but also must come to terms with the fact that he is the ...