After the death of his boss's wife, a young engineer faces the sudden psychological metamorphosis of his own wife, seemingly possessed by the soul of the deceased...
The Monk
The Monk
A virtuous monk descends to the depths of sin and depravity after Satan sends an unholy temptress to lead him astray.
Only the Animals
Only the Animals
Following the disappearance of the glamorous and secretive Evelyne Ducat during a blizzard in the highlands of southern France, the lives of five people inextricably linked to Evelyne ...
With a Friend Like Harry…
With a Friend Like Harry…
Harry knew Michel in high school; they meet again by accident, Harry inserts himself in Michel's life... and things take a sinister turn.
The Night of the 12th
The Night of the 12th
Young and ambitious Captain Vivés has just been appointed group leader at the Grenoble Criminal Squad when Clara's murder case lands on his desk. Vivés and his team investigate Clara's ...